
Published on:

22nd May 2020

Flies In The Jar - Radio Drama Trailer

A serial pyromaniac fuels fear in a small southern Californian town. A singer-songwriter steals a song that shoots her into stardom. Twenty years later two friends reunite to tell the story and face the past.

Deep Drag presents a serialized, radio-drama, based on true events. Starring: Jon Jeffers, Kent Evans, Lady Zen, Clara Dunham, and Martin James Grapengeter with original music by Lady Zen, Joshua Holloway, and Dan Capaldi. Flies In The Jar was written and created by Nathan Feuerberg.

Music and Sound Effect Credits:

Special Thanks to voxlo and flsouto for our theme song which uses the loops “Voodoo” and “Hell Awaits Part 10”.

Eendee for the loops, “EStrings IV” and “Especially Calm”.

And itsMochaJones for the loops “Retro Smooth Chords,” “Retro Atmos Pad,” and “Retro Ethnic Guitar”.

And Thank You to the folks over at and . A full list of all the SFX and loops with credits can be found at


Flight attendants prepare the cabin for takeoff.


What I'm about to tell you is a story of intrigue and


addiction of broken hearts and broken

Flight Attendant:

Sir, would you please put your seat

Flight Attendant:

back in the upright position.


Can't you tell I'm in the middle of something here?


Deep Drag presents an all new radio drama, Flies In The Jar.

Lady Zen:

I told you somebody stole my music and we're

Lady Zen:

on our way to get my money.


Wait, you don't get royalties.

Lady Zen:

That's the whole point of the trip.

Lady Zen:

Why else wouldwe be on this plane?


Oh, see, I thought it was because I have those tapes.


A box of tapes, a jaded singer, two friends embark on a journey


that will forever change their lives.

Lady Zen:

Reggie said you needed a package delivered.




If you take the job, you'll be delivering four packages a month.


You'll never know exactly why you're going.


We'll disclose the drop off location when you're in the immediate area.

Lady Zen:

Wait, what exactly am I delivering?


Hey, is this that like two-way glass where it's


a mirror on the other side?

Detective Alvarez:

Sir, please don't knock on the glass.


What are you doing?


Now he's going to know where in here.

Detective Alvarez:

Do either of you recognize the man in the room?


You think he started the fire?

Detective Alvarez:

All we know is there's been two fires set in that

Detective Alvarez:

neighborhood in the last 24 hours.


So it's a pyro peepin', tom.


Flies In The Jar


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Show artwork for Flies In The Jar

About the Podcast

Flies In The Jar
A Radio-Drama Based On True Events
A serial pyromaniac fuels fear in a small southern Californian town. A singer-songwriter steals a song that shoots her into stardom. Twenty years later two friends reunite to tell the story and face the past.

Deep Drag presents, Flies In The Jar, an all-new radio drama in seventeen episodes.

Starring: Jon Jeffers, Kent Evans, Lady Zen, Martin James Grapengeter, and Clara Dunham with original music by Lady Zen, Joshua Holloway, and Dan Capaldi. Flies In The Jar was written and created by Nathan Feuerberg.

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Deep Drag

Deep Drag is a group of actors, writers, sound designers, artists, and film makers. We create content intended to promote conscious discussion and share stories that connect us and restores community.

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Back in 2015 my friend Alzenira Quezada and I began telling each other stories about our lives. I started wondering what it would have been like if we had known each other twenty years ago. Over the next nine months, I took our stories and typed them out as a six hour script. From 2016 to 2020 we recorded the series, edited it, and created the sound effects and music. We even recorded the song that was stolen from Alzenira.

Flies in the Jar is what happens when two friends stop telling bar stories and start creating art together.