Flies In The Jar - EP # 2 - Gerald
Join Sanchez and Lady Zen as they continue their flight and play tapes which introducing Zen’s former roommate, Gerald.
Deep Drag presents a serialized radio-drama series, Flies In The Jar.
This episode stars: Jon Jeffers, Kent Evans, Lady Zen, Clara Dunham, Martin James Grapengeter, Jason Wellner, Ashley Frazier, and Maëlle Jayet with original music by Lady Zen, Joshua Holloway, Dan Capaldi and special guest jazz musician, Jaime Valle. Flies In The Jar was written and created by Nathan Feuerberg.
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Music and Sound Effect Credits:
“Round and Round” by Joshua Holloway
“Muddy Feet” by Lady Zen and Dan Capaldi
“Fireflies in a Mason Jar” by Lady Zen with special guest jazz musician, Jaime Valle.
Special Thanks to voxlo and flsouto for our theme song which uses the loops “Voodoo” and “Hell Awaits Part 10”.
We can't forget about our favorite composer, Kevin MacLeod - Music from https://filmmusic.io
" Zombie Chase" by Kevin MacLeod
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
And Thank You to the folks over at freesound.org and looperman.com . A full list of all the SFX and loops with credits can be found at https://www.patreon.com/posts/32540509